
Hairfall/loss (PRP /GFC)

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Growth Factor therapy is an innovative procedure to treat hair loss. In this, we extract blood from the patient and then treat it to get the final product called GFC(Growth Factor Concentrate). GFC is replete with one’s own growth factors that have the potential to heal damaged tissues and promote cell growth. It is directly injected into the patient’s scalp in high concentration, triggering hair formation. Since it is prepared from the patient’s own blood without any contamination, the serum is completely safe and has minimal side effects

Who needs Growth Factor Therapy?

The treatment has no limitation as far as gender is concerned. It can be opted by anyone experiencing hair fall. However, it is best suited for those who have experienced hair fall recently and have early grades of baldness. It is always best to choose this treatment after consulting with us. GFT is perfect for those –

  • Experiencing hair thinning
  • Suffering from hair fall
  • Who want to improve their hair thickness
  • Who want to increase hair volume

What to expect after Growth Factor Therapy?

There is no downtime or recovery time after the GFT treatment. Many patients go back to their usual life right after the treatment without any difficulty. However, we recommend all our patients rest the treated area for a few hours.

It takes around three to four weeks before you notice any significant change in your condition. It is also recommended that you undergo multiple sessions to get the desired result. On average, we recommend all our patients undergo three to six sessions with a gap of three to four weeks after every session to get the best results.

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Hairfall/loss (PRP /GFC)

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